PROMISE ecosystem and IPs presented to the CNES/COMET-MCE on 15th of November 2024
Thales Alenia Space in France, as a partner in the PROMISE consortium and a user of PROMISE IPs in the ongoing SCOPS design, participated in the COMET-MCE “Panorama des Librairies d’IP pour le design en microélectronique”. The presentation covered : PROMISE consortium, PROMISE offer, Pilot Circuit demonstrator and IPs ID card, test results on wafer and a status of the PROMISE project closed by 31/12/2023.

Opportunities that could be captured to resume and fully or partially complete the PROMISE activities have been shared with the attendees :
- Engaging potential users and presenting a continuation plan to CNES or ESA, synergizing with existing initiatives on radiation-hardened IPs in XFAB XH018.
- Exploring XFAB’s potential interest in finalizing the NVM validation and proposing the NVM IP for inclusion in their catalog.
- Ensuring the PROMISE ecosystem remains vibrant and capable of attracting interest from sectors beyond the space community, such as automotive and safety.
SCOPS is embedding the Bandgap, PowerOnReset and Local Oscillator PROMISE IPs. These IPs will undergo electrical testing and evaluation for Total Ionizing Dose (TID) and Single Event Effects (SEE) as part of the SCOPS circuit validation. Following the test campaigns, we anticipate achieving TRL7.
Concurrently, ISD Greece is testing the PROMISE ADC IP to validate the feasibility of embedding it into a new TASF circuit.