PROMISE closure and TRL reached in the libraries
Regardless of the challenges presented by technical issues and the Covid-19 crisis, and their subsequent impacts on the program, the consortium has consistently prioritized top-tier contributions to achieve excellent results in PROMISE.
The consortium, beyond their legitimate sadness due to the end of the project so close to the goal, wishes to disclose the achieved Technology Readiness Level (TRL) for Intellectual Properties (IPs) and Pilot Circuit silicon:
- 17% have a reached TRL >= 6
- 75% have a reached TRL >= 5
- 92% have a reached TRL >= 4

- TRL reached for the PROMISE IP repository is :

- The TRL reached for a Mixed-Signal ASIC using PROMISE is :

- The TRL reached for the used supply chain is :

The samples for Electrical validation, for radiation evaluation and qualification, have not been manufactured, as the EWS full test program was not available before the project closure by the end of 2023. Also, the budget for the manufacturing and silicon qualification was expected, through the proposed third amendment, to re-allocate budget from the second foundry run to the first run supply chain.
In spite of encountered hindrances, the consortium has remained resolute in its objective of delivering first-rate contributions for superior results. Still, the following opportunities are available to either finish the activities in part or in entirety:
- Embed the Power On Reset, Bandgap, Low Drop Out and Local Oscillator IPs and evaluate their radiation performances inside the SCOPS project. It could allow them to reach the TRL 7 initially expected in PROMISE.
- Presentation of the status during AMICSA 2024 to the space community.
- Capture the interest of potential users and propose a continuation plan to ESA in synergies with existing initiatives on radiation hardened IPs in XFAB XH018.
- Keep the PROMISE eco-system fully alive and be able to capture potential interest outside the space community : automotive, safety, etc.