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PROMISE core standard cells, level shifters, IOs and IO/POC IP CDR Milestone successfully reached

After a first successful phase of collaboration with IMEC, that led to a set of optimized radiation hardened standard cells for best PPAs (Power, Performances, Area) covered in task 2.1 of WP2, Menta has successfully delivered on schedule to the PROMISE project, its radiation hardened embedded FPGA (eFPGA) IP...

PROMISE eFPGA IP CDR Milestone successfully reached – the first critical enabler for ASSP

After a first successful phase of collaboration with IMEC, that led to a set of optimized radiation hardened standard cells for best PPAs (Power, Performances, Area) covered in task 2.1 of WP2, Menta has successfully delivered on schedule to the PROMISE project, its radiation hardened embedded FPGA (eFPGA) IP...

Un proyecto liderado por Thales Alenia Space en España permitirá la creación de satélites 100% europeos

En el marco del programa Horizonte 2020 de la Comisión Europea PROMISE mejorará la competitividad y autonomía de la industria espacial europea, eliminando la dependencia de otros países como EE. UU.Desarrollará una librería de bloques diseñados y probados para microchips, reduciendo en un tercio los tiempos de producción.La iniciativa, primera...