PROMISE LO IP CDR Milestone successfully reached
IT announces the completion of the LO IP. The LO presents a 16MHz on-chip oscillator based on a frequency-locked loop (FLL) which is radiation hardened by design and intended for space applications. The oscillator maintains a temperature stability lower than 50ppm/ºC over process, voltage and temperature variations and low...
PROMISE PLL IP CDR Milestone successfully reached
ISD announces the completion of the PLL IP. An associative block that enables the PLL to operate with a reference clock from multiple sources (Crystal Oscillator, digital clock or sine wave) and a CMOS Output buffer that will enrich the existing DARE180XH_IO library are included in the CDR data package....
PROMISE LVDS IP CDR Milestone successfully reached
IMEC can announce the successful completion of its DARE radiation hardened LVDS IO simulated up to 720MHz as part of its contribution to the PROMISE project.
PROMISE 1.8V LDO regulator IP CDR Milestone successfully reached
ISD announces the 500mA - 1.8V LDO design completion; it is a key block that will deliver supply to any digital core using PROMISE library. After delivery of the data-package it passed successfully the CDR milestone.
PROMISE core standard cells, level shifters, IOs and IO/POC IP CDR Milestone successfully reached
After a first successful phase of collaboration with IMEC, that led to a set of optimized radiation hardened standard cells for best PPAs (Power, Performances, Area) covered in task 2.1 of WP2, Menta has successfully delivered on schedule to the PROMISE project, its radiation hardened embedded FPGA (eFPGA) IP...
PROMISE Pilot Circuit – eFPGA integration successful!
After successful eFPGA CDR and its data package delivery, the eFPGA embedding an adder function passed its first RTL simulation in PROMISE Pilot Circuit. This first simulation paves the way for the Front-end design activities finalization.
PROMISE eFPGA IP CDR Milestone successfully reached – the first critical enabler for ASSP
After a first successful phase of collaboration with IMEC, that led to a set of optimized radiation hardened standard cells for best PPAs (Power, Performances, Area) covered in task 2.1 of WP2, Menta has successfully delivered on schedule to the PROMISE project, its radiation hardened embedded FPGA (eFPGA) IP...
Un proyecto liderado por Thales Alenia Space en España permitirá la creación de satélites 100% europeos
En el marco del programa Horizonte 2020 de la Comisión Europea PROMISE mejorará la competitividad y autonomía de la industria espacial europea, eliminando la dependencia de otros países como EE. UU.Desarrollará una librería de bloques diseñados y probados para microchips, reduciendo en un tercio los tiempos de producción.La iniciativa, primera...
Un proyecto liderado en España permitirá la creación de satélites 100% europeos
Thales Alenia Space, lidera desde España el consorcio de un revolucionario proyecto, PROMISE (PROgrammable MIxed Signal Electronics), que permitirá dotar de independencia tecnológica a Europa para las futuras misiones espaciales y garantizar su competitividad en este terreno. PROMISE, que verá la luz en 2022, forma parte del programa de...
Thales España dotará de independencia tecnológica a los satélites europeosThales España dotará de independencia tecnológica a los satélites europeos
La empresa Thales Alenia Space liderará, desde España, el consorcio que desarrollará el proyecto Promise, que buscará liberar a la industria aeroespacial de Europa de su dependencia tecnológica con países externos a la Unión Europea...